Rainy Days with Newbie

“Tut tut, looks like rain” Embrace the wet weather this week with Newbie’s favourite rainy day activities. 

“Tut tut, looks like rain. Tut tut, looks like rain” Make like Winnie-the-Pooh this week and embrace the wet weather with your little ones (perhaps avoiding being chased by honeybees)! Children & toddlers love to get outside and let their imaginations run free by jumping in puddles and getting all muddy and there are lots of fun learning opportunities to be had.
Make music, create art, engage the senses, study nature, and more! Oh, and don't forget to keep dry in a Newbie Raincoat.

Mud Pies 

Got dirt? Then on a rainy day, you'll have mud! Take old aluminum pie plates or other containers outside for a mud-pie bake-off. Adorn with leaves, sticks, rocks or bits of recyclable household materials. Just don't forget to put them in the recycling bin when you're done cooking your pies.

Make Beautiful Music 

Have kids help you choose  household items that can make music: pots, pans, spoons, plastic containers, even cardboard boxes if they want to do some experimenting. Take them outside and listen to how raindrops sound as they drop onto various surfaces. Kids may also want to try swirling water inside a pot or bucket or pouring from one container into or onto another.

Float Your Boat 

If your garden or park offers up puddles and trickles of moving water, you can float tiny toy or paper boats (or twigs and leaves) and see how they travel. Challenge kids to create dams from found objects. If you can't find a good puddle, make your own with a large rimmed cookie sheet or plastic tub.

Hop, Skip, and Puddle Jump

Suit up in Newbie’s latest Waterborne raincoats and show those puddles who's boss... Your daily rainy-day walks around your neighborhood or favorite park will help you locate the spots where the biggest, splashiest puddles usually form... One, two, three...STOMP!
With love, From Newbie x