Indoor kids activities

How do you keep kids entertained when they're stuck indoors on a bad weather weekend, or when it's just too hot to be outside? Whether it's drizzling rain or burning sunshine, it can be tricky to find ways to keep everyone entertained and to stop the kids from getting restless.

But fear not, families of the UK, you've come to the right place. We have scoured the internet and help is at hand! Try our boredom-busting activities and turn a rainy day into an engaging, entertaining one (and you don't even have to leave the house)!

1. Room tidying competition

2. Treasure hunt

3. Have an indoor camp-out, with your very own blanket fort, of course

4. Pizza making

5. Snuggle up with a pile of books

6. Create milk art. (We love this inventive idea)

7. Get out the board games

8. Make a scrapbook

9. Make friendship bracelets

10. Write letters to loved ones.

Oh, and a bonus point for anything that involves bubble wrap.

Check out our Pinterest board for more rainy day inspiration.

How do you keep your kids entertained in the winter months when the weather is too wet and cold to go outside? We'd love to hear your suggestions. Tweet us, send us a Facebook message or drop us an email to get your idea added to our list.